Monday, October 19, 2015

Next Friday ParallAx Art Fair Private Overture

I am so excited about my first experience on Parallax Art Fair.i have all my stuff ready with paintings, drawings,some stuff from my fashion shop Byartmoon like cushions and bags ....also a collection of printed issues of artwall now in time of reconstruction and relaunched ! Wow so nice projects in my artistic mind ... 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Being light

The tribute to my son 
Being Light by mOnAmOOn October 2015 acrylic on canvas

Sunday, October 11, 2015

In progress Gabriel ,the light warrior

My elder son Gabriel,graphic designer,webmaster and artist who passed away last Friday now is a being of light . This painting is a tribute for him 
Thank you for the time you was with us. Rest in peace and in light your mum mOnAmOOn